Soil thematic mapping as the base for agricultural development in the Northwestern Coast, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Cairo University

2 Assistant Professor in Cairo University

3 Soils and Water use Dept. National Research Centre

4 Natural Resources Department, Faculty of African Postgraduate Studies, Cairo University, Egypt


T his research aims to create and analyse thematic soil maps for promising areas for agricultural expansion along the northwest coast of Egypt. The study area is 3151.671 km² and consists of a plateau and elevated areas merging into coastal lowlands. Remote sensing data were used with a digital elevation model to map the physiographic units and characterize land surface features. Five different physiographic entities are recognized; each mostly associated with the soil sub-great groups Typic Haplocalcids and Typic Torripsamments. Data collected through land survey and laboratory analysis were used to create thematic soil layers that were analyzed to determine land factors that limit agricultural development. The results showed that the land surface factors hinder agricultural development due to the steep slope and undulation of the land surface. Analysis of thematic soil maps showed that agricultural development in the region is mainly constrained by coarse soil texture, shallow soil depth, high CaCO3 content, and low CEC. To achieve agricultural sustainability in the region, improved drainage, organic fertilization, and crop selection are required


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