Assessment of Water Quality of Wastewaters of Bahr El-Baqar, Bilbies and El-Qalyubia Drains in East Delta, Egypt for Irrigation Purposes

Document Type : Original Article



SAMPLES of agricultural drainage water were collected monthly from the drains of Bahr El-Baqar, Bilbies and El-Qalyubia, East Delta, Egypt for one year from October 2013 to September 2014 to evaluate water quality and suitability for irrigation purpose. According to the USDA water was classified as class high salinity low sodicity (C3S1) which cannot be used on soils with restricted drainage. With adequate drainage and special management for salinity control and plants with good tolerance to salinity, the water could be used for irrigation. According to Gupta classification, water of Bahr El-Baqar drain is classified as low salinity with no sodicity (C2S0) while water of Bilbies and El-Qalyubia drains is classified as normal water with non-sodic (C1S0) and can be used for irrigation to most crops on most soils. Water of the three drains are suitable for most crops except the salinity sensitive ones and can be used to irrigate all soils except the very heavy textured, with impeded drainage. These waters do not have any problems regarding sodicity.
