A case study of the physical and hydrological characteristics of the soil after the occurrence of forest fires in Durango, Mexico.

Document Type : Original Article


1 TECNM/ Instituto Tecnologico de El Salto, Durango, Mexico.

2 TECNM/ Instituto Tecnologico de El Salto


orest fires are disturbances that, in addition to causing effects on vegetation, have an impact on the components and properties of soils. Fires influence soil biota, soil organic matter, macro and micronutrients, and physical properties such as bulk density, porosity, hardness, infiltration, aggregates, color and soil permeability. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to evaluate the physical and hydrological properties of soils affected by forest fires in El Salto, Durango. In particular, two areas damaged by forest fires (2023-2024) were analyzed and compared against an unaffected area to determine the degree of recovery of soil properties after a forest fire. The dominant soil corresponds to the Cambisol type, characterized by being a shallow soil, with the presence of fragmented rocks and the formation of a differentiated profile in horizons. The results indicate that the unaffected area presents optimal conditions in the soil physical properties unlike the observed in the areas were forest fires ocurred; the rates of water infiltration into the soil, apparent density, porosity, aggregate stability, color and mechanical resistance to penetration were significantly modified. The information will be useful to have a better diagnosis of the state of the soil before and after the forest fires occurred, and in this way to be able to make more precise management recommendations of water, soil and vegetation resources.


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