Impact of Soil Degradation on Land Productivity of South El-Kalubia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt.


DIRECT evaluation of land productive capacity was executed depending on the parametric method for evaluation of land productivity in South El-Kalubia, showed that ten soil characteristics were considered as limiting factors in land productivity. These factors are; moisture (H), drainage (D), soil depth (P), slope (E), soil pH (N), soluble salt concentration (S), texture/structure (T), organic matter (O), cation exchange capacity (A) and mineral reserve (M). The study area which covers about 44150 ha2. 4 main geomorphologic units, i.e. flood plain, hummuky area, hilly area and turtle back. It is considered as unstable ecosystem due to the active degradation resulting from climate, relief and soil properties. The most active land degradation features are; salinization, sodification, waterlogging and compaction, all of which have negative impacts on land productivity.Soil topograph, physical and chemical properties too were measured to assess land productivity index (LPI). Rating of soil and topographic parameters were calculated using productivity formula for productivity classification for each land mapping unit. Most of the study areas 96.38%; 36232 ha are excellent and good classes (class I and II) in terms of agricultural use. The remaining areas 3.62% ; 1364 ha are extremely poor class or nil (class V).
