Microbial Gibberellins Impact on Zea mays (L.) Plants under Different Levels of Water Salinity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Botany & Microbiology Department, Faculty of science, Assiut university, Egypt

2 Water Requirement and Field Irrigation Research Department, SWERI, ARC, 12112, Egypt


These days green advancements of phytohormones have a critical place in industrial food process displace the chemical manufacturing which causes genuine dangers by gathered in the environment, from these hormones; gibberellin has an industrial significance as it's a plant development controller hormone. Fungi produced several important substances with biological impact; from these substance plant hormones production involves great interest in agriculture. From different fungal isolates tested for gibberellins production, Fusarium oxysporum represented as a hopefulfungus for microbial gibberellin generation conducted 268.9±6.27 mg/l gibberellic acid with productivity rate 38.42 mg/l/day with succeeded capacity to apply in the field. In vivo application of microbial gibberellic acid occurred in pot experiment on Zea mays (L.) plants under salinity stress. Synergetic development in maize plants exhibited with expanding microbial gibberellin concentrations until 150 ppm under water salinity stress and then no huge diverse was cleared.Increasing in plant weight and height observed in compared to the non-treated plants.
