Water Table Contribution to Faba Bean Water Use

Document Type : Original Article


LYSIMETER experiment on sandy loam soil was conducted to estimate the contribution of the water table to meet the water requirements of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.). The lysimeters were connected to a tank with Marriotte siphon and a piezometer to maintain the water table level (WT) at the desired depths, which consisted of 50, 70 and 90 cm from the soil surface. The results of this study showed that there is no high difference between the values of actualevapotranspiration (Eta) for this crop under the three levels of WT. It slightly increased with increasing water table depth. As well as, 70 cm WT treatment showed that it can be considered suitable conditions. At this level, the amount of water was meet the requirements of the crop which cause significant high values of its water use efficiency (WUE) and water economy (WE) and also a maximum grain yield. Compared to a high WT level 50 cm or a deep WT level 90 cm where the crop depends basically on the water irrigation requirements.
